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Cracking Tutorial

Author: P.R.O.V.I.D.E.R. // Category:
1.)How a cracker works.
-A cracker works by repeatingly sending passwords to a Yahoo! login server or a list of servers

-Crackers require password lists (dictionay files). These are lists of words that the cracker will attempt to use as the passwords

-All a cracker does, is try different passwords,until the correct password to the username is entered. (Crackers work on the possibility that one of the passwords you load in the password list is the correct password for the usernames they are trying to crack.)

2.) Basics you need to know.
-Cracker's use either servers or proxies in cracking.

-A Crackers are basically a program that simplfies and speeds up exactly what you do when you login to a Yahoo site.

-There are three types of crackers. Server crackers , Proxy crackers and Forwards crackers.

-Server crackers typically get patched (quit working) very quickly because Yahoo moniters it's servers and they pick up any increased bandwidth (alot of extra login attempts than normal). When they see these extra logins attempts they run some tests and find out what login method is being tried. They then goto work and patch the login method, which basically means that it will ban you after 50 - 100 login tries on a single IP.

-Proxy crackers are much harder for Yahoo to patch. You can use patched login servers on them because by using a proxy you appear to not be just one IP trying to log in, but many hundreds of IPs. Yahoo will ban each proxy, not your main IP. The ban is only a temporary ban as well, usually for 4 - 6 hours. And once you notice your cracker slowing down (proxies getting banned) simply scan and load some new proxies into the cracker and you are back in buisness.

-Forwards crackers can be eigther Server or Proxy crackers. Most crackers run Backwards. This means that the cracker goes through the list of names as quickly as possible using the first password in the list, then goes to the next password and starts at the top of the names list again. This ensures that the names you are trying to crack do not get "locked" by Yahoo for too many login attempts one right after the other. Im sure we've all had names locked before and had to type in the "random security code" below the password to log into the name. With a Forwards cracker, the cracker stays on the first name in the list until all the passwords have been tried on it, then moves to the next name. In order for a cracker to be considered a Forwards cracker, it must not lock names for too many login attempts. So basically with a working Forwards cracker, you can enter one name in the cracker and thousands of passwords to try and crack only that one name. Forwards crackers are the rarest type of crackers because the login methods they use are very hard to find and Yahoo tries very hard to patch these methods up quickly. I have had quite a few Forwards crackers before, but as of right now, I dont know of a single working one. I love using these types of crackers when I get ahold of one.

-Alerts: when a name has been cracked, the cracker has away of alerting you, more common you will get sound alert. In other cases an Alert Window will pop up.

-Password Options: Password options can change the passwords you are using to crack with to ALL CAPS , First Letter Caps" , Sim (using the name trying to be cracked as the pass), etc. etc.

-Sockets - A cracker's speed is defined by it's number of sockets. From a begginer's stand point, you might think that setting your cracker for it's max number of sockets will allow you to crack screen names faster. This is only true if you have a very faster ISP (Internet Service Provider) like cable or DSL. If you are on dial-up I would recommend only using 5 - 10 sockets. If you are on DSL I wouldnt use more than 50. If you are on cable you can use as many as the cracker will allow you to use. Also if you are using a Proxy cracker, keep in mind that you can only crack as fast as the proxies will allow you too. Some proxies are fast and some are slow.

-Timeout: This is a feature for proxy crackers which tells the cracker how long it should wait on each proxy to attempt to log in the name. If you set the Timeout low, the cracker will skip all the slow proxies in your proxy list and only use the faster proxies. This will make it faster but you also wont find as many proxies that work. If you set the Timeout higher, the cracker will wait a second or two longer on each proxy to allow it to try and log in the name. I would recomend using a high timeout unless you have like 30,000 proxies to crack with.

-Auto save is when you crack a name. it out saves it immediately to a txt or log file. This is a good feature in case you get disconnected or your PC gets turned off by accident or unplugged.

-In cracking, people that crack names look for usernames that Yahoo no longer allows them to make, these discontinued names are called illegals (a.k.a Rares).

-You will also here about a group of cracked names called originals, example of this would be "woody, farmer, warrior , potent , Jason , Mark , Jen etc... (you get the picture hence "original")

3.) Tools you need for cracking.
-You need a cracker of course, I recommend crackers that use proxies.

-To find Proxies, you need two kinds of tools, one to find proxies (scanner or leecher), and a Proxy Phecker to check if those proxies are valid. Some crackers will record only the good proxies when it is cracking so this will eliminate the need for a Proxy Checker (x-proxy is an example of a cracker that has this feature).

(Here are some proxy sites you can use to get some proxies)
Rob's Daily Updated Proxy List
http://www.cybers yndrome.net/pld_tmp.html
http://www.digitalcybersoft.com/Prox...oxy-list.shtm l

-You need names lists (a list of scanned names you want to try and crack), and password lists and a Proxy list before you start up the cracker.

-Now you need some names to crack. Compile this either by using a name generator and scanner, or you can find a room grabber and use it. This is a program that sends a bot into a list of rooms and grabs the usernames from the room....these are then saved as another .txt file. However you decide to do it, you should compile a list of at least 500 names to start

4.) How to find out if your cracker works...
-To make sure it still works, load up proxies and add some bot names and passwords to the name and passwords list, if it cracks the names, then it works!

Thats all for now. I hope this has helped some of you to understand how a cracker works and what tools you will need to be a successfull cracker. Keep in mind, cracking is alot like fishing. Dont expect to crack a ton of name when you first start. Sometimes you will crack for days without cracking a single name, sometimes even weeks. It really depends on how good your passwords are that you are using. It's alot of luck and cracking isnt for everyone. It takes alot of patience and determination to do it. If you are willing to tough it out then you can count on cracking some names in

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